Sunday, March 22, 2020

Worship on March 22, 2020: Choosing The Good

Hello, everyone!

For this week's sermon from Pastor Don, check out the newest video on our YouTube channel!

You can also visit the following link for lectionary resources from UMC Discipleship Ministries: In Right Paths: Psalm 23.

If you'd like to check out the Pandemic Hope Devotional, you can also visit the following link: Pandemic Hope. The devotional includes a daily Scripture verse and an activity. To download a .PDF of the devotional, click on the link to open the webpage. On the webpage, click the title of the devotional at the top of the page to open the .PDF. From there, you can print it or download it.

Don't forget to keep checking back on the blog for more updates, and if you have social media, you can subscribe to the YouTube channel or follow us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Just search for Summit United Methodist Church or our username, UMCSummit.

Have a blessed week!

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